Home Ayurveda Ayurveda Lifestyle Ayurvedic remedies for nausea and vomiting

Ayurvedic remedies for nausea and vomiting

Discover how Ayurvedic principles can help alleviate nausea and vomiting


The stomach plays a vital role in the digestion of food, and any ailment of the stomach can lead to various digestive disorders. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical system, offers natural and effective remedies for stomach ailments like vomiting and nausea.

Vomiting is a sudden and forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth, whereas nausea is a feeling of unease or discomfort in the stomach. These symptoms can be caused by various factors such as bad food or water, psychological factors like fear or repulsion, or dietary indiscretions. Kapha type people are more susceptible to vomiting as Kapha accumulates as phlegm in the stomach, which blocks peristalsis.

Ayurvedic remedies for nausea and vomiting for different body types

To treat vomiting in Ayurveda, it is important to understand the underlying body types and dosha imbalance. (To read more about the types of Doshas and body types, click here )

  • Vata type vomiting is dry or scanty vomiting with thirst, chest and side pain, palpitations, anxiety, and astringent taste in the mouth.
  • Pitta type vomiting is the bilious variety with sour fluid, bitter taste in the mouth, burning sensation, thirst, and a red face.
  • Kapha type vomiting is watery with a sweet taste in the mouth, excessive salivation, heaviness, and labored breathing.

General Treatment of Vomiting:

Anti-emetic herbs like ginger, fennel, basil, nutmeg, cardamom, and cloves are administered to stop vomiting. A simple formula of cardamom and fennel in equal parts, infused in a cup of warm water with a little honey, can also be taken to stop almost any kind of vomiting. Lemon juice with a little honey or sugar is also a good remedy. If vomiting is due to toxins or food poisoning, vomiting should be encouraged using emetic herbs such as calamus, licorice, and salt. The favorite Western emetic is lobelia (with a touch of cayenne).

Specific Treatment for Vomiting:

  • For Vata, a calming and relaxing regimen is recommended as the causes are usually psychological. Cardamom compound can be taken with warm milk, or cardamom and fennel can be added to honey or warm milk.
  • For Pitta, a cooling anti-Pitta regimen is suggested. Mild herbal bitters such as barberry or aloe gel can be taken, along with anti-vomiting herbs like coriander, cardamom, and fennel. Strong bitters such as aloe powder or rhubarb root should be avoided as they may exacerbate nausea and vomiting. Avipattikar powder is the main Ayurvedic formula for Pitta-type vomiting.
  • Kapha vomiting is caused by an excess of mucus, and therefore an anti-Kapha regimen is recommended. Expectorant herbs can help clear up excess mucus. Cardamom alone can be effective, or Trikatu or Clover combination taken with honey are good common formulas.


In conclusion, Ayurvedic remedies for nausea and vomiting holistically, by linking them to the stomach’s condition and the Kapha dosha. Treatment involves identifying the cause, using anti-emetic herbs, and creating a regimen for the patient’s dosha. Herbal remedies like Cardamom, Trikatu, and Avipattikar have proven effective. Ayurveda offers a personalized and natural approach to digestive health, making it an excellent complement to conventional medicine. Overall, Ayurveda provides a holistic and valuable alternative or complement to conventional medical treatment for stomach disorders.