Home Holistic Lifestyle Health & Beauty Green tea to lower cholesterol

Green tea to lower cholesterol


Green tea to lower cholesterol

Green tea is known to lower cholesterol, de-clog blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes? It is said to be good for the teeth and bones, and is also rich in nutrients like magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese and vitamins C and K. Recent studies published in the Journal of Nutrition even suggest that green tea provides a boost to exercise-induced weight loss, and that drinking plentiful amounts of the beverage, over many years, may have an influence in lowering. The risk of breast cancer too!   

Green tea originated in China and gradually became a part of many cultures in Asia, from Japan to the Middle East. It is derived from the unfermented leaves of Camellia Sinensis (Latin for tea bush) and being the least processed of all teas, it contains the highest concentration of powerful anti-oxidants called polyphenols. Called the ‘dew of heaven’ by Lu-Yu, China’s Sage of Tea, in 780 AD, it is good ammunition for boosting your immune system.