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The Intersection of Hindu Astrology and Psychology: A Spiritual Approach

Exploring the Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Psychology


Hindu astrology, also known as Vedic astrology, is a system of astrology originating in ancient India. It is believed to be the oldest system of astrology in the world, and it is still widely practiced today. Hindu astrology is based on the idea that we are all different combinations of the same cosmic forces coming through the planets and stars. It is a complex and sophisticated system that has a lot to offer in terms of understanding ourselves and our place in the universe.

Understanding Hindu Astrology’s Focus on Spiritual Evolution

Hindu astrology is a vast field that recognizes the existence and influence of collective, cosmic, and spiritual levels of consciousness that lie beyond our surface and personal mind. While modern psychology is only beginning to explore these aspects, Hindu astrology has long been concerned with awakening our spiritual aspiration and bringing the deeper layers of the mind into function.

Unlike modern psychology, which emphasizes the limitations or sufferings of this life, Hindu astrology tells us that we are divine souls with infinite potential that we can access if we give them our attention and work on them regularly. It teaches us that we can achieve anything we want if we put our will to it.

Vedic Psychology and the Unconditioned Entity of Pure Consciousness

We could say that Hindu astrology has a real science of psychology because it treats the real psyche or soul, not just the outer mind. While modern psychology is concerned with the mind, the conditioned entity of memory, yogic psychology aims at going beyond the mind.

According to Vedic psychology, psychological disorders are caused by a disruption in our connection with our true soul, which is reflected in a lack of integration of our planets, particularly afflictions to the Moon, Mercury, the Ascendant, the fourth houses, and their lords. Such psychological problems can be treated by spiritual and occult methods, including mantras, gems, colors, herbs, and diet.

The Impersonal Nature of Vedic Psychology and Its Spiritual Orientation

Vedic psychology aims at the non-ego and tells us that we are all different combinations of the same cosmic forces coming through the planets and stars. The ego, our sense of personal identity, is a fiction, an illusion that does not really exist. We all have the same basic nature, both superficial and deep, and must all go through the same basic life experiences, good and bad, for the growth of our consciousness.

Moreover, Vedic psychology has a spiritual orientation and a focus on the destiny of the soul, its movement from the ignorance to the knowledge, from bondage to the cycle of rebirth to liberation into the Divine. While astrology has its limit in this respect, because the soul is our eternal being beyond the influence of the stars, astrology and its symbolism can be used as a universal symbolism for the development of consciousness.

The Practice of Spiritual Reintegration Inherent in Astrology

We can meditate upon the qualities and meanings of the planets within us and reintegrate their forces in our own minds. First, we must harmonize the Moon, the indicator of our receptivity in life, to the inner Sun. We must make ourselves become receptive to the Sun of truth and become detached from the influences of the outer world. We must learn to surrender to the Divine and to the presence of truth. Then we must harmonize our Mars, our energy and motivation in life.

This is to direct our will to spiritual practices, like service, yoga, mantra, and meditation. It means doing our work in the best way but not seeking any results, becoming one with the process rather than calculating what we are going to get out of it.


Hindu astrology and Vedic psychology offer a unique perspective on the intersection of astrology and psychology. By recognizing the existence and influence of collective, cosmic, and spiritual levels of consciousness, these fields provide a spiritual approach to understanding the self and the world. Through the practice of spiritual reintegration inherent in astrology, we can harmonize our energies and move toward our true potential as divine souls.

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