A Virgo man tends to be well-groomed and impeccably dressed, and he may shower more often than non-Virgo men, often before and after sex.
When it comes to cooking, a Virgo man may be critical of his partner’s abilities unless she is highly skilled in the kitchen. He himself is likely to be an excellent cook, with a carefully curated list of recipes.
In terms of physical attraction, most Virgo men prefer a slim and appealing partner who maintains good health. Some may even find pregnancy repulsive, although they tend to be good fathers despite being hard to please at times.
The Virgo man regards sex as a natural bodily function, much like eating, breathing, sleeping, and exercising. He views it more as a therapeutic activity rather than a pleasurable indulgence, and believes that excessive pleasure can undermine one’s self-restraint. Nonetheless, because he strives for excellence in all areas of his life, he is likely to put in extra effort to excel in the bedroom as well. Some Virgo men may evaluate both their own performance and their partner’s level of responsiveness following lovemaking.

Aside from their pursuit of excellence in personal relationships, Virgo men also seem to excel in various service-oriented professions. They are natural healers and may set up dental or medical offices or businesses focused on the maintenance of buildings, automobiles, and clothing sales. Don’t be surprised to find a Virgo man running your local dry-cleaning service, as they have a great facility for bringing people together for business purposes. Their attention to detail and knack for quality control make them ideal candidates for work in any industry, from literary to clerical. Their meticulousness and analytical skills also make them successful business owners, and their ability to foster strong partnerships and collaborations makes them valuable team members.